This has a consequence, as one of HQ's most promising recruits and agents becomes so bitter and disillusioned she defects to MAD and becomes a double agent. He is also more than happy to take credit for the success of a mission, even when he isn't sure just how he did it.

The fact he's actually saving the day by complete fluke almost every episode surely boosts even more his ego. This version is more notably narcissistic about his many (non existent) abilities and knowledge.

It's All About Me: In the original show, Gadget was happy about "solve" the case, but displayed some humbleness.Idiot Hero: Despite his bumbling nature, there are several occasions where Inspector Gadget's interference is the direct cause of MAD's failure.Claw is an enemy and he needs to be stopped. Everyone Has Standards: For all his clumsiness and out of the box methods, Gadget is sure of one thing - Dr.Cloudcuckoolander: Not to the point of Gadget & The Gadgetinis, but this Gadget sometimes looks to live in his own world, only in his head.This inevitably saves the day, no matter how stupid can be. Chekhov's Skill: Coupled with his clumsiness, his defective gadgets mostly do the exact opposite of what he wants, almost everytime.Both Penny and Chef Quimby do confirm Gadget is unlikely to get a date without explode them. Casanova Wannabe: Not at the extention of the original show, but it's still there.On an occasion, Talon displayed in first hand how a controled Gadget can be a fearsome opponent in the right hands' joystick. He's still an almost indestructible cyborg with a myriad of gadgets that varies between silly and dangerous, but that eventually help him to solve the case and defeat the villain. Beware the Silly Ones: He's goofy, self-righteous, gullible, stubborn and not rarely too dumb to be alive.The chances are that Gadget will follow a non existant clue for the most part of the case and Brain will have to bail him out in some way. Ooh, Shiny!: He gets distracted quite easily, whether or not because of him stubbornly following his terrible deductive skills.
Inspecter gaget full#
He'll unknowingly save the day in the last minute, many times by full coincidence.